

The Kishargal are a bipedal humanoid species native to the planet Planet Ersetu. They are characterized by their luminescent eyes, skin patterns and hair, as well as their horns and prehensile tail. They are an arboreal species, living in the massive trees of Ersetu's twilight jungles and rain forests, where it is safer from the larger ground predators. The Kishargal evolved to be the dominant species on their world, a predator species in their own rights. Ersetu is not a forgiving world and they adapted to its many dangers. They are an intelligent and resourceful people and can be characterized by their good manners, witty sense of humor, love of food and alcohol, their pride and their ignorance and sometimes intolerance of outsiders.

A tall bipedal arboreal species with a prehensile tail and horns. All members of the species have bio luminescent eyes, skin patterns and hair. Save for hair on their heads and sometimes tails, their bodies are hairless. They have strong hands and feet, each with five long digits tipped with a retractable climbing claw.

Hair Color

Bio luminescent bright colors of a wide variety, commonly in the blues, greens, purples, reds and yellows

Eye Color

Bio luminescent of nearly any color, most common is blues, reds, greens, purples, yellows

Skin Color

Tends to be darker colors, blues, reds, purples for Kidshargal from the colder regions of Ersetu, while those from warmer regions more commonly have lighter skins in the pinks, golds or light blues

Skin Pattern Color

Bio luminescent bright colors, blues, purples, pinks, greens, yellows, reds. These patterns can be stripes, spots or a combination of the two and are usually inherited as a combination of their parents patterns

Horn Colors

As with their skin and Bio luminescence, their horns have a wide variety. Usually those with darker skin will have horns starting at a darker shade of their skin tone or black, that fades near the tip. Those with lighter skins will have similar close to skin tone horns, though fading to almost white at the tips, though this is not always the case. There are examples of individuals with light skin and dark horns and dark skin and light horns

Ersertu coloration varies widely, but there is a commonality to the coloration of peoples from the same regions.

The peoples of the twilight regions share the widest variety of coloration and tone. Tones ranging from light to dark, horns favoring the medium tones. Their skin colors are commonly in the blues, purples, greys in the colder reaches and golds and reds in the warmer lands.

Those from the night side of the world are of paler complexion, with coloration favoring the blues and greys over the warmer colors. Depending on where they are from they may have pale, almost white horns, or dark almost black horns, but usually not in the middle.

The peoples of the sun side of the world have dark skins, in the blacks and browns or deep reds, dark horns and highly contrasting hair coloration.

And those from the islands, are medium dark skinned, favoring the golds and greens, with light horns.

  • Height Range: 8 to 10 feet
  • Weight Range: Female: 300 to 460lbs in 1g (450-690lbs in Ersetu 1.5g), Male: 350 to 500lbs in 1g (525-750lbs in Ersetu 1.5g)
  • Typically able to bench press: 400% their own weight in Ersetu 1.5G, greater than that in lower gravities.
  • Typically able to lift: 300% their own weight in Ersetu 1.5G, greater than that in lower gravities.


Kishargal eyes are adapted to seeing in the perpetual twilight of the jungles and forests they inhabit in the band between light and dark on their homeworld. They have excellent low light vision, tuned for catching motion, a leftover of their predatory heritage. Excellent in twilight and near dark, their eyes take a long time to adapt to full sunlight or bright interior lighting. While they can adapt, it takes time, sometimes up to twenty to thirty minutes to adjust. They prefer the twilight and usually will wear eye protection of some form when going into full light. Once adapted, they can see quite well in full light. Kishargal living on the sun side of their world tend to adapt better to full light than those from the twilight band and dark side of Ersetu.


As a predatory species, the Kishargal have sensitive hearing. They have long pointed ears on the sides of their heads. These large ears function to focus even distant or minute sounds and direct them into the ear canal. Their sense of hearing was used in conjunction with their excellent sight in hunting as well as detecting and avoiding larger predators or rivals.


Being a predator that hunted by sight and sound, the Kishargal have no better a sense of smell than your average human.


The Kishargal have what they consider a refined and delicate sense of taste. It was needed to quickly detect poisons in animal or plant being consumed, as many of the life forms on their world are lethally poisonous. In modern times, their sense of taste is most appreciated with prepared food. They prefer, and enjoy, a complex variety of flavors.

Childhood is considered to be from 0 to 7 years, adolescence from 7 to 16 years, and adulthood from 16 onward. Kishargal are considered to be in their prime adult form from ages 18 to 120. From there, the effects of aging begin to weaken the body. Old age is considered 150 and up. The Kishargal have a rather rapid development to adulthood for a creature their size. This is due to the hostile planet they are from, though as time has gone on since their ascension to a spacefaring people, there has been a slow lengthening of their developmental cycle. Kishargal scientists believe that as time goes on, the time it takes to develop to adulthood will increase.

Average Lifespan

Both male and female Kishargal will live to be an average of 180 to 200 years. The oldest recorded individual of the species reached the age of 226.


Kishargal reproduce sexually. Female Kishargal will become fertile around 19 years of age, several years after what is generally accepted as the beginning of adulthood. This is believed to be a leftover developmental feature that would weed out those not strong enough to survive in adulthood. After successful fertilization of the female by a male, gestation takes roughly eleven months before the female will give birth. Twins and triplets are very common, as most born were not expected to survive the diseases of their first year before the advent of modern medicine, or the native predators.

Kishargal young are born small, blind and deaf. It takes nearly six months for these senses to develop. Once these senses develop, their major growth has begun in earnest and they will continue to grow rapidly. It is not uncommon for a Kishargal child to reach 5 feet tall in their first 4 years.


Kishargal have almond shaped bio luminescent eyes. They do not have a black pupil in the center of their eyes, rather a bio luminescent pupil, whose glow radiates out into intricate patterns in their iris. The sclera is most commonly white. In some cases it can be black, or a darker version of whatever color their iris is.


The Kishargal have long pointed ears which project out from the side of their head. These ears average four to six inches in length on adults and can stick out to the side or angle back closer to the head. These ears are free of any hair or fur.


Kishargal have four fingers and an opposable thumb. Their fingers and thumb are very strong. They are also tipped with strong retractable climbing claws use for scaling trees on their native world.


The Kishargal have wide feet similarly shaped to those of a human, with long strong toes, which like their fingers are tipped with retractable climbing claws.


Kishargal horns come in many varieties of shapes and colors. They usually curve out and back from the head but can also curve down, forward or in some cases just straight out to the sides. The horns grow out from the skull just above their ears. Kishargal horns grow all throughout their life and will regrow slowly even if broken off.


The Kishargal have long prehensile tails adapted to aid in climbing, by grabbing onto and wrapping around branches, or for defense while climbing. The tail is an extension of their spine and is tipped with a sharp arrowhead shaped barb that can be used to cut or impale an attacker. Their tails aid in balance while climbing and can be covered in hair or totally smooth. The tail is usually between two to four inches thick on the average adult and tapers down to the tip where the barb projects. Unlike with their horns if the barb is broken off it will not regrow.


The Kishargal have soft, tough skin that comes in a variety of colors. Their skin, like their horns, have patterns of bio luminescent spots or stripes.

Skeletal Structure

The Kishargal have dense strong bones. They come from a world with higher gravity and these tougher bones are needed to support the weight of their large and powerful frames.


Kishargal have always been a physically strong people. They have had to, as a predatory species living both in the massive trees and lands of a harsh world with high gravity. Their limbs and fingers are especially powerful, utilized in climbing and running.

Internal Organs

Being larger than your average humanoid species, their organs are larger to accommodate. Especially the heart, which has to pump blood through an 8-10ft tall body. Internal arrangement is generally similar to most other humanoid species, heart and respiratory system in the chest, stomach, digestive tract and other organs in the belly.

While the Kishargal are a predatory species and obtain most of their energy from meat, they are omnivorous and can eat plants, grains, fruits and anything else they can get their hands on. Kishargal foods still tend to lean more towards cooked meats and breads over vegetables and fruits. A sample meal might consist of roast turtle or avian, a suet pudding and heavy biscuits.

The Kishargal also are fond of their alcoholic drinks. They enjoy wines and ports from fermented fruits and beers from grains and tubers, rums and other fermented drinks. It is not uncommon for a Kishargal to consume a large amount of alcohol with meals.

This page was originally created by Gunsight1.

  • species/kishargal.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/04 07:16
  • by gunsight1