

This is a picture guide to all the known Sapient Species in Shattered Universe! For all of the other creatures and plants, check out the Bestiary. (please keep images here at 200 x 200!)

Playability Scores
Readiness How prepared the resources for this race are, from wiki lore to character creation information, to general availability of information. Green means articles are useful and mostly up to date with plenty of ancillary information. Orange may mean flaws in articles or out of date information, proceed with caution. Red most likely means a member of staff should be asked directly for information as it may belong to a previous iteration of the site.
Knowledge Prior knowledge requirements to play effectively as a player, from anatomy, culture, to what colors they might see. A Green race should be easy to play with some lore reading. An Orange entry may require deep understanding of a wide-array of lore items. A Red entry means veterans with intrinsic understanding of setting may be suitable, or that a member of staff must be asked directly.
Placement A measure of how easy it would be to introduce a member of this species into general roleplay. A green species would be able to join almost any plot within the setting. An Orange race might require some prior deal with a game master or other special consideration. A Red entry means finding roleplay may be difficult currently, or that the species itself is very rare or generally disruptive to common storylines.
Humans, mostly as you know them. They come in a variety of colors and kinds but the standard Alliance human is considered the base model in the sector. Humans have been around for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years in various pockets of the sector transported by means unknown, but haven't really flourished until the last two hundred or so. Humans have adapted to a variety of biomes and climates around the sector, and many are genetically adapted as well making them very diverse.
Readiness: Green
Knowledge: Green
Placement: Green
The Taianese are an echo from the past of the Alliance, a creation from old Earth bred as a genetically engineered servant caste before hijacking and escaping the Solar system aboard the UESS Frontier. When the Frontier's drive finally gave out, leaving Earth far behind, the Taianese were not best pleased to find the nascent Alliance had arrived ahead of them. The Taianese have a strict caste system, with specific forms to fill roles within that system, although Taianese citizens are able to modify themselves to some extreme, almost inhuman degrees.
Readiness: Green
Knowledge: Green
Placement: Green
After the Insurrection Wars between elves and men against the Taianese, the new occupiers required a workforce to develop this planet they had conquered and build this empire they planned. Made from the genetic material of captured elves and men, the Kammee are purpose grown to fill the labor roles of taianese society. From hardy, heavily augmented construction workers, to quiet baristas, to sleek and helpful personal servants. Kammee are a living tool wielded by the empire, but not one without thought. Some manage to escape servitude, or a simply left behind to find their own path.
Readiness: Orange
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Green
Notes: Kammee currently have no character creation page, and require some deeper lore knowledge to play effectively depending on placement.
Living military acronyms, Ogres are genetically modified humans who've been adapted for strength and speed. The original first generation of Ogres come from the early days of the Wangdaio Colonies as super soldiers, these older Ogres become rarer with every year but survivors from those days still exist either in other nations or among the ruins of the Colonies. Others have attempted to reverse engineer the program to varying degrees of success, from Sheffelds ESM program to the criminal underworlds production of Brikks.
Readiness: Red
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Green
Notes: The Ogre page is very out of date, players are advised to seek staff advice in the meantime.
Almost any species in the Pioneer sector can be an Ember, but many are human or humanoid. Embers originate from Jord as functional pieces of the planets magical ecology. They were believed to contain a shard of the goddess Saule's fire by the elves. Embers lives burn fierce and bright, but often short. Their bodies can barely handle the power given to them, requiring them to have extensive external cooling to use their powers heavily or risk self-conflagration. Embers can be born whenever at least one parent has the genetic heritage of an ember.
Readiness: Orange
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Green
Notes: The Embers page may require some updates and reformatting, interested players may want to ask staff advice before playing.
The elves are an ancient and proud culture that believe they were created by their gods to caretake and live freely on the planets given to the. The arrival of humans to the sector and a series of destructive wars with the Taianese has left many of their cultures wrought with woe and desolation. Some are isolationist, some are antagonistic, but do the best they can with the new normal.
Readiness: Green
Knowledge: Green
Placement: Green
The Othan grow up in a culture of extreme principles and democratic values, they may need blood to survive and perform magic but have evolved a complex series of ethics around such to avoid the excesses and abuse of the past. Othan vary widely, some are pacifistic, some value strength in self-defense, and others may travel to see other cultures or defend those they see in need of defending.
Readiness: Green
Knowledge: Green
Placement: Green
Notes: Othan have a very different magic system, but their lore is up to date and easily presentable. A nice twist on elves.
The Kishargal are a large humanoid species from the planet Ersetu, recognizable by their height and bioluminescent . One of the elder races in the sector, the Kishargal have a clan based society that values honor and military service. Their nation, The Constitutional Dominion of Ersetu, is an elective monarchy. Their technology is considered to be eccentric and strange in comparison to other species, with sailing starships and black powder triggered laser muskets. Unlike many of the other species, no known Kishargal posses magic or psyonic powers, but they make up for this in their martial abilities and physical strength.
Readiness: Green
Knowledge: Green
Placement: Green
Made alongside the elves of Liang, the Yazata are a shapeshifting race of humanoids known for tricks and deceit. The yazata are an integral part of the Liang magical ecosystem and an eternal rival to the elf nations of old. Yazata live in a gender segregated society and often travel throughout the sector searching for power, fame, or glory.
Readiness: Green
Knowledge: Green
Placement: Green
Notes: The Yazata use a unique magic system that feeds off the emotional energy of organic beings to build up their own magical energy, their shapeshifting requires some reading but can be very fun.
Kin with the other Yazata, the Yazata Mazda are apex predators of Liang and ancestral protectors of the Yazatan peoples. Highly attuned to magic, their bodies react to abuse of magic by mages and are driven to the destruction of the abuser. Hated by the elves, the Mazda may live and travel in secret among many societies.
Readiness: Green
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Orange
Notes: The Mazda are an interesting potential antagonist, but will require special consideration and deep lore knowledge before being used as player characters, despite the option to do so.
Atraxians can be a rough bunch, many become pirates, bandits and warbands, but some do get squeezed out and live in strange corners of the sector as outcasts. They are tall, strong, and nomadic, living in close-knit clans.
Readiness: Red
Knowledge: Red
Placement: Orange
Notes: The Atraxians are in rough shape and need a lot of work. The concept may get a thorough revamp in time so any new characters may find their origin stories changing drastically.
A nomadic race of spacefarers and clan-based aliens who see in extra colors, the Bu Qi are known as diligent workers, hardy travelers, and fearsome enemies.
Readiness: Red
Knowledge: Red
Placement: Orange
Mouse-like psions from an obscure world with a magic and spiritual system revolving around patterns and concentration. They believe the universe is a canvas to be painted on and are defined by the culture of their warrens as laid out by their founders.
Readiness: Red
Knowledge: Red
Placement: Red
Notes: The Elba are currently due for a revamp if they are not shelved completely. There has been no interest from the player base for these yet but they are scheduled for work in the future.
Companions to the taianese, uplifted animals to others, chained sapients to some. Jongwu were made at the behest of the Taianese and little is expected of them. However some do rise up, either escaping or being left behind to find their own way through the universe.
Readiness: Orange
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Green
Notes: The Jongwu currently have no character creation page and require moderate lore reading to understand.
Short, desert people whose ancient empire has stagnated and regressed. Their wanderers escaping this quagmire squirt out to different corners of the galaxy, some become mercenaries and warriors and some just live their lives peacefully.
Readiness: Orange
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Orange
The insectoid I'ee are from a quiet corner of the sector where they live in reclusion, originally an uplifted species as a client species. The empire which uplifted them has long disappeared, but the I'ee remain.
Readiness: Orange
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Orange
A taur-like species of intelligent insects, the Kamacurra are militaristic, spiritual, and cultured species who have evolved from a destructive past.
Readiness: Red
Knowledge: Red
Placement: Red
The vast bulk of the Valsh'Nar Empire's civilian and military population, Karshvick are large Humanoid Mantis Creatures that are psychically linked in a species spanning hive mind.
Readiness: Orange
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Red
It turns out the meteor didn't kill all the dinosaurs, some of them were picked up. A multi millenia trip to the edge of the galaxy ended and once they turned around they wandered into the Pioneer sector, where they have remained for the last thousand years or so.
Readiness: Red
Knowledge: Red
Placement: Red
The Kudah are humanoid sized moth-humanoid that are primarily in charge of the Valsh'Nar Empire. The Kudah also possesses the best psychic ability in the empire and also possess the power to shape shift to some degree with the consumption of genetic material.
Readiness: Orange
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Orange
The Pakoli are a species of Solitary Nomadic Wasp like beings that live on Zeddados Prime. They play a very small role in the Valsh'Nar Empire, often acting as mercenary and assassins for a convincing Kudah.
Readiness: Orange
Knowledge: Orange
Placement: Orange
Abominations from Jord, apothics are the physical manifestations of damage to the planets magic itself, and its living vengence. Formless beings of rage and aggression they will attack any they encounter, and be drawn towards any magic user they can detect.
Readiness: N/A
Knowledge: N/A
Placement: N/A
A form of silicon based life, the Outsiders were encountered briefly but have entirely disappeared except for their abandoned sites and strange structures left behind.
Readiness: N/A
Knowledge: N/A
Placement: N/A
The Zazeku are the lowest Tier of the Valsh'Nar Empire, these large amphibious crab like beings are used for little more than manual labor or shock troops/weapons platforms in combat mostly due to their low intelligence. The Zazeku are barely able to communicate with more than simple terms and this is only accomplished psychically with other Valsh'Nar Species.
Readiness: N/A
Knowledge: N/A
Placement: N/A

Formatting storage

<columns 80% 20% 60% 20%>
|  <Species Name and Link>  |
|  <Species Portrait>  |
|  **Description:**  |
|  <Description goes here.>  |
|  **Playability**  |
|  **Readiness:** Green\\ **Knowledge:** Green\\ **Placement:** Green  |

Art Credits

  • species.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/08/23 03:53
  • by yoshi