Non-Player Characters
This page lists all of the non-player characters in the setting, listed in by type of NPC and alphabetical order by first name. in order to assist players get a better sense of the setting.
Characters should be familiar with names if not the faces of the more famous NPCs such as government leaders or celebrities, depending on the nation they are from. It is reasonable to not expect a character to know who a regular civilian or mercenary is unless they encountered that person in passing while a military leader might be known only if they were a famous war hero. This is not a complete listing and NPCs will be added as they are discovered.
Anastasyia Whitemeadow - Kowloon Nobility
Ginger Arleigh - Kowloon Royalty
Miyu Sutauto - Kowloon Nobility
Ren Sutauto - Kowloon Nobility
Gods and Mythological Beings
Ayana Morita - Former Prime Minister Wangdaio Colonies
Bhelith Arleigh - Empress of Kowloon
Jae Le - Duke of Kowloon
Kate Monroe - Queen of Sheffield
Kuan Leong Cixi - Emperor of Tai Pan
Redak Dies - Duke of Kowloon
Ruth "Lady" Exousia - Deceased - Duke of Kowloon
Archmagister Tenaryth Willowquille of Kowloon - Kowloon Archmagister
Torbin Springborn - Pillar of Jord
Yue Ziyi - Former Crown Prince of the Wangdaio Colonies
Zhangsun Cixi - Empress of Tai Pan
Glasseye - Deceased?
The Black King - Deceased
Chiharu Natsumi - Deceased - Taianese General
Collin Jory - Kowloon Meadow Wing Forces Lieutenant
Damian Castillo - Kowloon Lord Protector of the First
Ember Connelly - Shouwei Fleet Admiral
Isabella Louvel - Wolf of Jord
Kamilla Starfall - Knight of Kowloon Azalea Company
Miranda "Fate" Exousia - Admiral of Kowloon
Rowain Paine - Shouwei Force Commander
Sidurra Gallve - Knight General of Azalea, Kowloon
Turold Mathias - Kowloon Meadow Wing Forces Lieutenant