Upcoming writing submission calls

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Upcoming writing submission calls

Post by Kim »

Here are some deadlines for those that want to try getting something published in an anthology:

Deadline: Oct 1, 2018
More details : http://bloodboundbooks.net/bloodboundbooks/submissions/
Genre: Science Fiction- Horror
Submission Fee: No
Crash Code Anthology Call

The future is now. At least, that’s what we’re told, but the more advanced technology gets, the more ways people find to hurt each other. Many say that technology changes the way we define ‘human.’ In this anthology, we’ll erase the definition entirely.

That’s what you’ll answer. In Crash Code, we want to see the pinnacle of our technology meeting the depths of our depravity. Let’s talk voluntary amputations so we can wear cybernetic limbs as fashion statements. Tell us how commercial interplanetary flight changes human tracking. Show the world what the criminal underworld can do in an age of quantum computers. This anthology is going to focus on just how far human kind is willing to fall in pursuit of the next innovation, whether it’s paying for bionic sex in bitcoins, five-year-olds browsing the Dark Web, bar code tattoos, mainstream holographic snuff films, or corrupted neural implants driving their users mad.

Think Neuromancer with even more drugs and crime. Imagine Blade Runner meets Saw. Picture Wrath James White’s version of Brave New World. Imagine a test-tube baby made from George Orwell and Jack Ketchum. If your story makes people think American Mary merged with Altered Carbon, we want it.

These are just some ideas. Pick one if you like, or come up with your own sick, twisted future. Just make sure it answers one question:
In a world where everything demands a dollar sign and subscription fees, is humanity something we can afford to lose?

Stories must be previously unpublished in any form

Email: bbbcrashcode@gmail.com
Length: 1,500 words up to 7K
Deadline: October 1st 2018
Multiple Submissions: No
Simultaneous Submissions: No
Payment: 3 cents/word
Editor: Kevin Holton
Publisher: Blood Bound Books
Deadline: Oct 31, 2018
More details: https://www.13horror.com/short-story-contest
Genre: Horror
Submission Fee: Yes
We are accepting submissions of short horror stories for the fourth volume of our international best-selling horror anthology series.

We are looking for stories which present horror in all its guises - from the gory to the subtle, from the supernatural to the every-day.

The entry fee is $20.00. All entrants will receive feedback on their stories and accepted writers will receive a paperback copy of the anthology, signed by the editor.

Feedback will be sent on each entry. The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2018 and publication will be mid-November.

To enter, simply email your story and your PayPal receipt reference to editor@13horror.com
Deadline: Nov 30, 2018
More details: https://sawritersguild.submittable.com/submit
Genre: All
Submission fee: Yes
The San Antonio Writers’ Guild’s 27th annual writing contest welcomes non-fiction, poetry, and multiple genre categories in long and short fiction. The contest is open to all writers. Entries may include other languages, real or imagined, but must be primarily in English. The deadline for entry is 11/30/2018 with very generous discounts for earlier entries.

Cash prizes are given in each category. Authors retain all rights to their works.
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Re: Upcoming writing submission calls

Post by Kim »

Writing Contest $2,000 Prize Pool Free to Enter from Dark Regions Press

THEME: Psychological horror story of one or more individuals possessed by internal and/or external forces.

WORD COUNT: 10 to 10,000

PAY: Contest with $2,000 Prize Pool - 1st Place: $800 2nd Place: $400 3rd place: $300 4th place: $200 5th place: $100 6th place: $100 7th place: $100 - Each winner receives author copies: 1 signed hardcover, 5 paperbacks and a digital copy of the book.

ENTRY FEE: None but you must be a subscriber to the Dark Regions Press e-mail newsletter to qualify which is free to join at darkregions.com/newsletter

SUBMISSION RULES: No reprints or stories published anywhere else before including author websites. No multiple or simultaneous submissions. Only one submission per author for the duration of the contest. Story must be a psychological horror story focusing on one or more individuals who are possessed by internal and/or external forces.

TURNAROUND TIME/TIMELINE: all stories must be sent to Dark Regions Press by January 31st 2019. Our team will then read all of the stories and will select the 7 winners and issue prize money by Summer 2019. The winners will be announced first in our e-mail newsletter after being contacted personally. Black Labyrinth Anthology I : Possession is scheduled for a Q4 2019 publication.

RIGHTS: By entering this contest you agree that if you are selected as one of the 7 winners Dark Regions Press has the right to publish your winning story in Black Labyrinth Anthology I : Possession in digital and physical formats and you agree to sign signature sheets for the hardcover edition of the book. Two year exclusive physical and digital rights. The story can be published in Best Of anthologies within our 2 year exclusive rights period. After the two year exclusivity period the author is free to publish the story anywhere else in any capacity.

HOW TO SEND US YOUR MANUSCRIPT: please send us an e-mail with a subject line reading: "MY STORY TITLE - Black Labyrinth Possession" then in the e-mail body please include a list of the following information:

Full legal name
Author name
Mailing address
Primary e-mail
Payment information (PayPal preferred)

MANUSCRIPT MUST BE ATTACHED TO EMAIL AS A WORD DOCUMENT! .doc, .docx or .rtf are acceptable file types.

Please make sure you have read the above instructions carefully.

Send your Word Doc manuscript of no more than 10,000 words based on the guidelines above to our writing contest e-mail at: darkregionswritingcontest@gmail.com

Only use that e-mail for story submissions for our currently active writing contests! Any other submissions/e-mails to that address will be marked as spam.

Thank you and we can't wait to read everyone's stories for Black Labyrinth Anthology I : Possession.


This writing contest is 100% free to enter, but you can support our efforts to run the contest, read the stories and promote the authors via the Black Labyrinth Anthology I : Possession preorder page. On this page you can preorder the ebook/paperback/signed hardcover of the new anthology and more. Thanks to everyone who supports and enters our new writing contest!

Questions? Please contact us at darkregions.com/contact
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Survive the Night!

Post by Kim »


THEME: Survival horror story involving three central characters (optional secondary characters) who become trapped at dusk with one or more forces outside that are capable of killing them. Only one of the three central characters survives until dawn.

WORD COUNT: 3,000 to 8,000

PAY: Contest with growable $3,000 prize pool (10% of Survive the Night preorder sales at darkregions.com/survivethenight get added to the prize pool until contest ends March 1st 2020) – Prize pool will be evenly divided among the selected authors. Editors will select at least 7 up to 10 winning stories from the open submissions contest. Selected authors receive 1 ebook and audio option, 5 trade paperbacks and 1 deluxe signed & numbered hardcover as free author copies.

ENTRY FEE: None but you must be a subscriber to Chris Morey’s free e-mail newsletter at chrismorey.com/newsletter and follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/chrismorey_ to qualify.

SUBMISSION RULES: No reprints or stories published anywhere else before including author websites. No multiple or simultaneous submissions. Only one submission per author for the duration of the contest. Story must be survival horror and formatted chronologically starting at dusk and ending with dawn over the span of one night. One central character survives, two central characters die. Secondary characters are optional. Characters can kill each other but at least one of them must die from the outside force(s).

SUBMISSION TIPS: Stories submitted for Survive the Night should be intense and frightening with a psychological aspect to the storytelling between the characters who are trapped (reference John Carpenter's The Thing). The outside force(s) that is trying to/can kill the characters can be anything that you choose from a natural disaster to humans to supernatural creatures or anything else as long as it poses a legitimate threat and is capable of killing the characters.

TIMELINE: all stories must be sent to Dark Regions Press by March 1st 2020. Our team will then read all of the stories, select the winners and issue prize money by Summer 2020. The winners will be announced first in this e-mail newsletter after being contacted personally. Survive the Night - Three at Dusk, One at Dawn is scheduled for a Q4 2020 publication.

RIGHTS: By entering this contest you agree that if you are selected as one of the winners Dark Regions Press has the right to publish your winning story in Survive the Night - Three at Dusk, One at Dawn in digital and physical formats and you agree to sign signature sheets for the book. Two year exclusive physical and digital rights. The story can be published in Best Of anthologies within our two year exclusive rights period. After the two year exclusivity period the author is free to publish the story anywhere else in any capacity.

HOW TO SEND US YOUR MANUSCRIPT: please send us an e-mail with a subject line reading: “MY STORY TITLE – Survive the Night” (replace MY STORY TITLE with your actual story title) then in the e-mail body please include a list of the following information:

Full legal name
Author name
Primary e-mail
Payment information (PayPal preferred)

MANUSCRIPT MUST BE ATTACHED TO EMAIL AS A WORD DOCUMENT! .doc, .docx or .rtf are acceptable file types.

Please make sure you have read the above instructions carefully.

Send your Word Doc manuscript of no more than 8,000 words based on the guidelines above to our writing contest e-mail by March 1st 2020 at: darkregionswritingcontest@gmail.com

Please only use that e-mail for story submissions for our currently active writing contests! Any other submissions/e-mails to that address will be marked as spam.

Thank you and we can’t wait to read everyone’s stories for Survive the Night!

SUPPORT THE WRITING CONTEST: a preorder page is live for Survive the Night - Three at Dusk, One at Dawn at darkregions.com/survivethenight

Preorder Survive the Night by March 1st 2020 and 10% of your total preorders (after discounts/gift cards) will be added to the writing contest prize pool!

Questions/concerns? Please contact darkregions.com/contact
I also write webcomics~
Author of Image
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